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video recommendations about CAREER DYARY

Dagmar, Global Learning & Development Manager

(EN + CZ subtitles)

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Ć ĂĄrka, therapist & trainer 

(CZ + EN subtitles)

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Soƈa, Business Process Analyst 

(CZ + EN subtitles)

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how wrote about CAREER DYARY

Oldƙich DutĂœ recommend Petra DrahoƈovskĂĄ Career Designer coaching prodct Career DYARY portfolio for life inventories
Oldƙich DutĂœ, MSc. /
Rector of UK university, coach, trainer


I honestly feel blessed and privileged at having had the opportunity to use the CAREER DYARY developed by Petra. The DYARY is a great tool for your professional as well as personal development. Whatever I write about it I feel it still does not do its justice, what I can only recommend is that you invest a little bit of your time in using the DYARY yourself, and you will certainly feel inspired, grateful, appreciative, achieve personal/professional growth. The DYARY sets the global standard of the personal/professional development for the third millennium. Definitely worth recommending!

Jolana Turner recommend Petra Drahoƈovskå Career Designer coaching prodct Career DYARY portfolio for life inventories
Jolana Turnerová, Ing. /
director of Spiralis,  strategist for social business


I strongly recommend Career DYARY to all of you who want to enjoy an artistic experience in your self-development and who want to think about your successes, plans, dreams and desires. 


I have never had an idea that there is "some diary" (now your DYARY) which can lead you to your dream goals this way.



Marek Velas recommend Petra Drahoƈovskå Career Designer coaching prodct Career DYARY portfolio for life inventories
Marek Velas, Mgr. /
CEO EduFactory, coach and HR consultant


I have been working with CAREER DYARY during my long-term development programs for top management.  CAREER DYARY  has not only perfect design but also gives to my clients great new perspective on our managerial topics.

Ơårka Francírkovå recommend Petra Drahoƈovskå Career Designer coaching prodct Career DYARY portfolio for life inventories
Šárka Francírková, Bc. / 
coach, therapist mediator



For me CAREER DYARY is a creative guide on the path of work & personal life. Using CAREER DYARY you can try out the role of "director of your own life". It is a gift for all of you who are brave enough not only to dream but also to realize your dreams.



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